Center for Applied Neuroscience

Christos Mettouris

Christos Mettouris (Ph.D) is a graduate of the polytechnic school of Computer Engineering & Informatics Department at the University of Patras, Greece. He holds a Masters degree of the same department and a PhD degree from the University of Cyprus. He has been a member of the e-Learning sector of the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (RACTI) in Greece.

He is currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Cyprus and a member of the Software Engineering and Internet Technologies (SEIT) Lab of the Computer Science dept. He was involved in a number of projects (CVN-AAL, Asterics-FP7, idSpace-FP7, B3Regions, InnoFun, Prosperity4All-FP7, SCIChallenge-H2020, V-ALERT LLP, VeLoCiTy Erasmus+, World-of-Physics Erasmus+, INFORM and more) and was also involved in the organization of a number of conferences in Cyprus. His research interests include Recommender Systems, Ubiquitous Computing, Model-Driven Development and Context-Aware Computing.

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